Wanted to watch Crank 2 High Voltage online movie? I am still thinking about it though. I quite fancy Jason Statham but NO,NO,NO to this come on he fell from a ****ing helecopter what is he Jesus? Jason stop taking crap rolls. I still fancy you but it's getting harder. OH THE BIG A don't forget Saw 6 what in your list of crap sequels.

Kiddin. The first Crank was such a 'dude' movie, and I can't wait for the sequel. For everyone who thought the first one was stupid or lame, that's the point of a dude movie. Poor acting, little to no plot, but lots of action, hopefully hot topless chick(s), much gunfire, and completely implausible action points around every corner. God Bless Jason Statham and Lionsgate Films for ever agreeing to make this.

Found this link while searching online. This might help me watch Crank 2 High Voltage online movie free.


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